Business and marketing translation
When it comes to business translation or for marketing purposes, you should first think about the target audience of your websites, social media posts, emails or documents.

When it comes to business translation or for marketing purposes, you should first think about the target audience of your websites, social media posts, emails or documents.
In general, business translation is the translation of informal and official documentation that a company produces whereas marketing translation involves the translation and localization of texts aimed at persuading consumers to choose your product or service.
So a marketing/business translator must not only remain faithful to the original text but also convince the target audience. Indeed, the difficulty lies in the art of knowing how to sell and respect the cultural context of the target language. What words and expressions are used for a commercial message? The translator must know the client’s communication strategy.
Some companies own glossaries with the terms to be used “in-house”. The translator’s role is also to suggest creating a glossary in order to facilitate the translation of future documents or catalogs into the different languages used by this company.
The purpose of marketing translation is to sell or attract potential customers. The message needs to be concise and clear in order to generate interest and action. The message also depends on the target audience. Sometimes the target audience can be very large and their language usage different.
For example, a text written in English for an audience whose mother tongue is not necessarily English. And if on the contrary the recipients represent a much more precise target, it is up to the translator to know the communication of these companies or organizations and their requirements in terms of translation.
Translators specializing in business and marketing translations are therefore true jack-of-all-trades. They must offer quality translation services and give more credibility to companies that wish, for example, to successfully expand in international markets.
I’ve translated, for example, for clothes and cosmetics online companies, for a small hardware store, for social networks etc.
If the documents you need to translate are intended to convince, attract customers or advertise you on any platform or (social) media, you will need a marketing translation expert.
I have grouped together some types of source texts that require a commercial or marketing translation:
Translate your documents quickly and easily!
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